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5 Ice Machine Shopping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  • January 26, 2022
  • 3 min read
5 Ice Machine Shopping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Do you need an ice machine for your establishment? Are you looking for some tips on how to purchase the best one for your business?

Ice machines are a valuable asset as they can help your restaurant save money and be more efficient when it comes to your ice needs and requirements.

However, before spending your hard-earned cash on such a device, it’s important to know what to be on the lookout for.

That’s why in this article, we’re covering 5 ice machine shopping mistakes, and how to avoid them. Beginning with…

1. Purchasing an Incompatible Ice Machine

Ice machines for businesses need a continual cache of water to churn out ice. For this reason, you will require a unit that’s compatible with your businesses’ current plumbing network.

The incompatibility will result in dripping inlet valves, stunted or underdeveloped cubes, or even problems with the regulative authorities.

2. Overspending on a Machine

It’s easy for many businesses to go beyond their budget when it comes to the cost of ice machines. Don’t do this.

Have a set amount you’re willing to spend, start comparing ice machine prices, and ensure that your selection falls within your predetermined budget.

Don’t get sucked in by all the ice machine features and benefits — stay levelheaded and remain within your budget.

More expensive doesn’t always mean it’s necessarily better for the demands of your restaurant.

3. Purchasing an Ice Machine That Doesn’t Produce Enough Ice

This is crucial, the last thing you want is to invest your hard-earned money on an ice machine that can’t even meet your basic ice requirements. So ensure you purchase a model that can meet the needs of your restaurant.

Determine your business’s ice output requirements, then review the website(s) of your prospective ice machine company to see if there is a match.

4. Purchasing the Wrong Kind of Ice Machine

Purchasing the correct kind of ice machine is critical for your business to produce the quantity of ice you require. The three primary kinds of ice machines are countertop, under-counter, and modular.

Do your research to determine which is the best option for you.

5. Purchasing an Ice Machine With the Wrong Condenser

An additional facet of deciding on an ice machine for your restaurant is picking a unit with the right condenser. The three leading condenser variations are remote-cooled, water-cooled, and air-cooled.

Again, this will require additional research on what your particular needs (as well as the features of each condensor) are.

It can be helpful to look at online customer reviews to see what has worked for others with similar restaurant establishments.

The Takeaway for Avoiding These Ice Machine Shopping Mistakes

When it’s all said and done; many, if not all, of these ice machine shopping mistakes are avoidable if you simply do your research. Once you determine what your needs and requirements are, then it becomes fairly easy to look for the proper ice machine.

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