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Building Content That Matters in 2024 and Beyond: Tips for Tech Companies

  • February 9, 2024
  • 3 min read
Building Content That Matters in 2024 and Beyond: Tips for Tech Companies

The core of every marketing campaign in existence is content. That content can be visual, written, in video format, or even interactive, but content is content. In 2024, content has never been easier – or so you thought. With the rise of AI-generated blog posts flooding the internet, it’s only a matter of time before people learn how to completely tune them out – and for tech companies to follow suit. 

So, how do you create content that stands out and doesn’t fade into the background, when the quality of basic blog posts, web pages, and so on has increased across the board? This is a particular issue for tech companies, who already need to bridge the gap between what they do and the general populace. 

The good news is that there is still a great way to stand out, build up customer rapport, and build a lasting relationship that is essential for any SaaS brand, and create content that matters. 

How to Create Content That Matters in 2024 

When you have great content, these SaaS content marketing strategies are simply going to go so much further. Think of your content as the pot of gold, and the rainbow the marketing campaign. If customers get led to gold, they’ll be happy to stay and enjoy their new riches. If they are led to an empty, dusty cauldron offering nothing of substance, you’ve already soured your relationship. That’s why you need to use these tips to create worthwhile content: 

  • Unearth the Core Pain Points Your Software Solves 

As a SaaS (or similar) company, your main goal with every piece of content you create is to identify and solve a pain point. Your software may solve several pain points. Start by boiling all of them down into one. For example, if your software takes care of things like inventory, onboarding, leave requests, and so on, the main pain point is the struggles of office management, and your product streamlines management. Start with that, then branch off into the more specific pain points. 

This branching type of content leads readers on a journey through your site. For best results, do two things with these posts. One, offer genuine tips and advice to help readers now, and two, showcase how your product would help fix the issues they face.

  • Build On Knowledge Blocks to Seamlessly Educate Your Customer 

Break up these informative pieces into small chunks that you can delve into more thoroughly. This way, you can build their technical know-how, similar to how they do in education settings. This creates a more comprehensive content strategy and breaks up your posts along the buyer funnel, making them great pieces to focus your inbound marketing strategy. 

  • Use Interactive Elements to Build on Concepts 

Use interactive elements. Use photo or video examples, interactive tools, quizzes, videos, podcasts, and more. Interactive elements can help you teach your audience how to use your software, even before they download and try it out. You want your tool to be effortless, and adding interactive, multi-media elements can help teach a wider audience while keeping their attention on your site. 

  • Keep Information Up-To-Date

Keep statistics, quotes, and advice as up-to-date as possible. You can easily revamp older content just by refreshing its information and adding [2024 Update]. This builds on each article’s success, especially if it was shared often in the past. 

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