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Can You Get Relief From The Common Cold Using Kratom?

  • March 5, 2022
  • 6 min read
Can You Get Relief From The Common Cold Using Kratom?

Winter in the northern hemisphere is synonymous with the common cold, which has no cure, and people are turning to kratom for relief. Kratom is an herb native to Southeast Asia, where the native populations use it for its purported therapeutic effects.

According to one literature review, the common cold has no cure because it is a viral infection spread by over 200 different viruses. Although common cold symptoms typically clear within ten days, they can be uncomfortable; hence the need for intermediate remedies.

However, can kratom offer relief from the dreaded common cold? Keep reading to learn more. 

Table of Contents

What Is Kratom?

Before delving into kratom’s potential as a flu remedy, begin by understanding the herb. As stated above, kratom is an herbal tree that grows in Southeast Asia’s tropical climate.  

The herb’s leaves are rich in indole alkaloids, particularly mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, and according to one literature review, the alkaloids have therapeutic properties, including pain relief. The available research on kratom’s mechanism of action posits that the herb’s alkaloids interact with opioid receptors as partial agonists, modulating various physiological processes. Moreover, the said alkaloids interact with specific brain receptors to deliver specific therapeutic effects. 

Consequently, the herb is popular within alternative medicine and wellness circles, with statistics showing that 0.8% of American adults use it for its purported therapeutic benefits. 

Kratom exists in multiple strains denoted by leaf vein color as white, green, and red Slo kratom strains. Each strain has a dominant therapeutic property, including pain relief, relaxation, energy boost, and sedation. 

Moreover, kratom products for sale in the US are available in various consumable forms, including teas, capsules, and powders. Now that you understand kratom’s mechanism of action, keep reading to explore the herb’s potential in alleviating common cold symptoms.

  1. Kratom Is An Anti-inflammatory Agent

As stated above, the common cold has no cure, so the best you can do is use available remedies to tackle specific symptoms. According to one expert review, the common cold has approximately 12 symptoms, including a scratchy sore throat, nasal congestion, and nasal pain. 

All the three symptoms highlighted above result from inflammation, which causes the blood vessels along the nasal cavity to swell, causing discomfort. The inflammation occurs as part of the body’s immune system response to the various viruses that spread the common cold.

While inflammation is the body’s natural response to pathogens like common cold viruses, it causes discomfort. However, kratom is a potent anti-inflammatory agent, helping alleviate the swelling along the respiratory tract (nose and throat). 

One research study on alkaloid profiles and their functions in mitragynine speciosa (kratom) identified rhynchophylline as one of kratom’s alkaloids. According to a second study on alkaloid anti-inflammation properties, rhynchophylline suppresses inflammatory mediators or messengers, preventing them from promoting inflammation on cells and blood vessels. Therefore, a kratom dose should tackle any common cold-induced inflammation symptoms. 

  1. Kratom Has Analgesic (pain-relieving) Properties

Besides inflammation-related symptoms, the common cold may also manifest in aches and pains. Headaches, fever, and muscle and joint pain are the typical aches you may experience while having a common cold. 

However, kratom is a powerful analgesic (pain-relieving agent) and can tackle the above symptoms. First, inflammation causes pain, and as an anti-inflammatory agent, the herb can reduce inflammation-induced pain. 

Second, kratom’s primary mechanism of action in tackling pain entails blocking pain signals from reaching the brain. Its primary alkaloid, mitragynine, works by partially binding to the endogenous opioid system’s receptors and muffling pain signals, preventing the brain from processing the said signals. 

According to one research study on kratom and pain tolerance, the herb established a statistically significant increase in participants’ pain tolerance. Therefore, a kratom dose (preferably red kratom strains) should offer pain relief from common cold symptoms.

  1. Kratom Is An Energy Booster

Fatigue and low energy levels are also typical common cold symptoms characterized by a constant feeling of exhaustion and physical weakness. The said symptoms interfere with your quality of life by preventing you from carrying out the simplest task.

However, kratom is a potent antidote for common cold-induced fatigue, thanks to its stimulant effects. Kratom belongs to the coffee family and, like your regular cup of coffee, is a natural stimulant. However, unlike the caffeine in coffee, kratom’s stimulant action does not cause jitteriness. 

Kratom’s dominant alkaloid, mitragynine, interacts with brain receptors to increase adrenaline production. Adrenaline is a fight-or-flight hormone that increases blood flow to the muscles, enhancing energy production. 

However, note that while kratom is a stimulant at low to moderate doses, it is a sedative at high doses. Also, consider white kratom strains and Maeng Da kratom for a stimulant effect.

  1. Kratom Induces Sleep

According to one research study on sleep habits and susceptibility to the common cold, poor sleep before contracting the viruses that spread common cold lowers your resistance to the cold. Moreover, one literature review on sleep and immune function showed that sleep enhances your immune system’s functionality.

Your body produces protective cytokines to fight infections and inflammation during sleep. Second, your brain solidifies memories during sleep, including immunological memory, helping it fight infections.

Unfortunately, the discomfort caused by common cold symptoms may prevent you from falling asleep, denying your immune system an opportunity to work. However, kratom, especially red kratom strains, induce relaxation and sedation, allowing you to enjoy restful sleep for longer. Mitragynine interacts with serotonin receptors (a hormone that regulates sleep) to induce sleep. 

  1. Kratom Delivers Stress Relief

Stress affects your immune system similarly to sleep deprivation because stress hormones suppress the immune system, limiting its capacity to fight infections. However, the hormone serotonin (mentioned above) also regulates moods and emotions, so kratom’s interaction with its receptors helps tackle stress and restore the immune system’s protective capacity. 


From the evidence presented above, kratom can be an effective organic remedy for common cold symptoms. However, consider its biphasic nature and begin with slow doses to reap maximum benefits. 

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