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Common Ways To Get Your Phone Damaged And How To Avoid Them

  • September 2, 2021
  • 5 min read
Common Ways To Get Your Phone Damaged And How To Avoid Them

Isn’t it true that smartphones are incredible? With these small devices, you have the entire world at your fingertips. We rely on them for everything, including news, navigation, transportation, banking, business, and social media. But, let’s face it, they’re neither bulletproof nor waterproof. In fact, they almost appear to be built to be prone to mishaps. You’re walking down the street, phone in hand, minding your own business when it slips from your fingers. A botched save resulted in the expected cracked screen. It’s nothing short of a nightmare when our phones break. Our best friend deteriorates into a useless block, and life comes to a halt. Unless you have device insurance, a new smartphone is going to cost you hundreds of dollars. Even yet, insurance, deductibles can be exorbitant, and phone repair and waiting times can be long. Even though they are delicate, you don’t have to live in constant fear of them breaking; most incidents can be avoided with a little caution. We’ll go through some most common ways to break your smartphone in this article, as well as how to avoid them.

Water Submergence

The toilet drop, believe it or not, is the most prevalent sort of water submersion. How many of us carry our phones in the back pocket of our pants? It’s excellent for that spot, plus it’s out of the way. Then we forget it’s in there, go to the bathroom, undo our jeans, and hear our treasured gadget fall beneath the water. Aside from the disgusting hand-in-the-toilet hunt for the device, there’s also the added anxiety of your phone drowning. Although the toilet drop is the most prevalent, it is not the only way to immerse your phone and cause harm. People are accomplishing things with their phones that they never dreamed of before thanks to a new trend in phone photography. Holding your phone as close to the water as possible has become a popular pastime activity. It turns out that using your smartphone isn’t such a good idea. Waves are unpredictable, and “waterproof phones” frequently turn out to be not waterproof. Splash proof is often specified in the fine print, regardless of what the advertisement says. The simplest approach to avoid water damage on your phone is to never use it in the bathroom. It’s also better not to leave it near kitchen sinks. A waterproof camera or go pro, it goes without saying, may be more effective if you want to capture fancy images in the water. Bring a dry bag to the beach or the pool, and never leave your phone unsecured in your pocket.

Pocket Damage

Okay, so we don’t put our phones in our back pockets any longer, and we’ve figured out how to prevent the toilet drop. What happens to your phone then? Is there a pocket on the front? Is there a coat pocket? What’s in your handbag that’s loose? You risk damaging your phone no matter where you store it in your pocket. Pockets may appear to be secure, but people frequently stuff them with cash, keys, and other valuables. Over time, the tiny things pile up, and phones become scratched and chipped due to overexposure to pocket damage. It may take some time, but these minor blemishes and chips eventually mount up. Gradually, the deterioration worsens, and the scratches and chips turn into screen fractures. Keeping your phone in a separate pocket is the best method to avoid any kind of pocket damage.


It is an undeniable fact that children adore phones and all things sparkly. It’s also widely known that children are sticky and unaware of their own power. Toddlers and newborns use all five senses to explore the environment, and one of the best ways they learn is by placing items in their mouth, which includes your phone. Give your phone to your child at your own risk. You’re one of the lucky ones if your phone doesn’t turn into a drool-soaked frisbee covered in slime. When it comes to your phone and preschoolers, damage to the phone isn’t the only risk. Children under the age of five are still going through critical developmental periods, and smartphone technology may not be the healthiest option for them.

It doesn’t have to be tough to keep our smartphones and devices safe. We should all be cautious when it comes to our electronics and their security, just as we should be when it comes to theft. Our devices should last us a long time if we use them with care and diligence. If we remember that our devices are, at their core, small computers, we may better treat them as such.

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