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Finding a Digital Textile Printer Manufacturer in India

  • August 23, 2021
  • 3 min read
Finding a Digital Textile Printer Manufacturer in India

What is it about a Digital Textile Printer that makes it an ideal choice for one and all? This simple question can be transformed into a more sophisticated one with the help of an easy search. If one wants to know what it is about a certain Digital Textile Printer that makes it the most perfect choice for one and all, then the first thing that should be mentioned here is the quality of the textiles produced by any such manufacturer. The quality of the textiles is the main factor that will make or break the entire buying process.

Most people may not be aware of it but a Digital Textile Printer can be used for more than just printing out documents. There are many textile manufacturers who have their own manufacturing units which are focused on developing new textile products. Some of these companies are even capable of producing clothes, carpets and other household apparels as well. However, the need to print out documents does not end here.

Most people will agree that a printer that prints in black and white is already beyond the scope of common consumers. But there are some good news for those who need to print in black and white and do not have much knowledge about Textile Technology. There are many manufacturers who are now producing color textiles using the most advanced methods and technologies. They are able to create fabrics that look as if they have been created using silk, wool or cotton! So, what does this mean for the buyer? It means better quality, cost effective and more choices!

When searching for a manufacturer of digital textiles in India one has several options to choose from.

One of the leading textile printer manufacturer is Colorjet. With over a decade of experience, this manufacturer is considered one of the top printer supplier in India. Their products are designed for use in both industrial and commercial settings, and they are considered to be among the best. Their printers for textiles are especially good, as they are capable of producing really high quality digital prints.

Since inception in 2004, the Colorjet Group has been powered by over 1500 senior man-years of intensive digital print technology experience. The Technological Innovation Strength of ColorJet’s R&D department has been recognised by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. ColorJet has rolled out 15 innovative products over 96 months, each emerging from the organisation’s unique 3E design philosophy : Economic, Efficient & Ecological.

There are a lot more names that you might recognize when it comes to printing. This means that it’s probably easier than you think to find the perfect printer for your needs. In India, however, few people know of any of these companies, as they are hardly known outside the country. You can help yourself out a bit, by doing some online research. Digital textiles are quickly becoming one of the most popular printing methods around, and the printers mentioned here are just the beginning of what you can expect from this revolutionary new technology.

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