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Here’s How to Properly Take Care Of Your Furnace

  • July 12, 2022
  • 3 min read
Here’s How to Properly Take Care Of Your Furnace

One of the essential things you can do to improve the comfort of your house and the efficiency of your heating system is to perform regular maintenance. In addition to ensuring energy efficiency, it extends the life of your equipment.

Replace Or Clean The Filter Regularly

Your furnace’s filter is essential to distribute warm air throughout your house. Filters for furnaces are often put in the return duct, where your furnace gets its air. To heat the air, it first eliminates any particles from the air.

Dust, dust mites, pollen, pet hair and dander, germs, and spores are removed using a furnace filter. Inexpensive filters provide basic protection. These filters capture a large portion of the airborne particles. Individuals with allergies or asthma may benefit from the higher air quality provided by more costly air filters.

You can’t expect your furnace to run as effectively if the air filter is clogged up with dust and other debris. It is recommended that inexpensive air filters be replaced every 30 to 90 days. Depending on the quality of your furnace, more costly disposable pleated air filters can last up to three months. 

Make Certain That the Blower Motor Is Working Properly

The furnace blower motor powers the fan that circulates the furnace’s air. The blower motor pushes air through the heat exchanger after the heating element in the furnace has heated it to the required temperature. As a result, the air in the house is warmed and circulated more evenly. Most furnace blowers also supply air for the air conditioning system and the furnace’s need for a combustion chamber.

Air filters are also fitted on the blower of the furnace. There are many moving components in the blower motor; therefore, if it is not maintained correctly, it will eventually fail. In the case of a noisy furnace blower, the electric motor or the blower wheel may be the source of the problem. When two metal surfaces produce high, shrill noises, they may be grinding against one another. It’s possible that the inside housing was scraped by the blower wheel coming away from the motor’s shaft.

Reduce Your House’s Heating Demand

Any vulnerability in the structural shell of your home permits cold winter air to enter and warm air to escape. The heat required to keep your home at a comfortable temperature can be reduced by sealing off your home’s envelope. An HVAC professional may do a home energy audit to find out where your home’s weak spots are so that you can fix them.

A heating specialist may use infrared cameras and specialized equipment to see the most significant problems in your house and then work with you to figure out the best spots to make modifications to minimize the flow of cold air.

Make Certain That All of Your Residence’s Vents Are Clear

The air in your home must flow thoroughly throughout your heating system to function correctly. In other words, your furnace should be working properly at this point. If your vents are clear and functioning correctly, you may rest easy. When a vent is blocked, the furnace must work harder and more inefficiently. This might eventually lead to the furnace overheating and breaking down before its time.

If you follow these suggestions, your furnace will serve you well for many winters. Make sure to get your furnace cleaned and tested by a professional regularly.

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