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How to Build Your Dog’s Immune System

  • August 31, 2022
  • 6 min read
How to Build Your Dog’s Immune System

Like many pet owners, you probably want to give them the best chance at a happy and healthy life.

A misfiring immune system can lead to a varying list of ailments such as cancer, osteoarthritis, and diabetes.

A dog’s immune system works quite similarly to yours in that it works to identify hazardous microorganisms like parasites, bacteria, fungi, and viruses, stopping them before they can harm. The immune system also observes cells to make sure they work as expected. Any abnormal malfunctions, aging, or multiplication will be identified, and the system will try to suppress them.

When your dog’s immune system has been weak for a while, this may lead to persistent inflammation. After a long enough period, it will make it pretty easy for your dog to contract diseases, liver complications, heart diseases, respiratory infections, and even cancer.

How to Naturally Build Your Dog’s Immune System

  • Keep your dog in good shape. When your dog stays fit, this goes a long way to keeping the immune system strong. Adipose tissue is a complex gland from a metabolic point of view. Serving as an endocrine gland, it is capable of synthesizing several elements in metabolic homeostasis. It is also responsible for producing more than 35 inflammation-causing hormones.

Making sure your dog gets exercise will also reduce both anxiety-related and destructive behaviors such as abnormal licking, digging, moaning, and chewing.

Dogs like to play and be active naturally, so keeping them fit should not be a problem. Consult your vet on the best exercise levels for the age, breed, and size of your dog.

  • Feed your dog all-natural dog food. What your pet eats is the groundwork for their immunity. Dogs evolved to consume a carnivorous-based and moist diet. Mass-produced dry foods, however, contain almost 50% starch, chemicals, and synthetic additives. Starch promotes inflammation and leads to an imbalance in gut enzymes that affect the immune system. Vets recommend fresh meat and vegetables. Some vegetables are nutrient-dense and act as an immune system booster for pets. Some of the best foods you can give your dog include:
  • Rich in antioxidants, vitamins K & C, and fiber, blueberries are also low in calories.
  • This has an abundance of proteins and calcium. It is also probiotic-rich, helping regulate the amount of bad versus good bacteria in your dog’s gut.
  • Pumpkins contain iron, Vitamins A & C, and potassium, all nutrients that support immunity. As a bonus, there is also lots of fiber in there to push digestion further along.
  • Whether green, yellow, or red, all bell peppers are okay for your pet. They contain high concentrations of antioxidants and pertinent vitamins that fight inflammation.
  • In moderation, bananas are an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and fiber.
  • Carrots come as a double-edged sword. This is because, on top of being a source of fiber, vitamin A, and potassium, they can also increase your dog’s dental health by eating them raw.

Natural foods also increase energy levels, improve cardiovascular health, make fur healthier, and will even make your dog smell better. Other benefits are better eyesight and improved digestion.

  • Consider supplements that support immune health. When it comes to supplementation there is a broad spectrum of choices to consider. What is sad is that most of them are choc-full of chemical additives and preservatives. Chemicals such as these have been linked to reducing nutrient intake in dogs. For an organic, all-natural, and well-developed product, look no further than Cornucopia.

They have an organic vegetable powder that is a pet immune system booster. It consists of 80% fully organic fresh dried broccoli, and 20% equally organic and natural radish. This supplement has more Vitamin A from beta-carotene compared to fresh adult plants. An abundance of this compound results in better eyesight for your pet. Sulforaphane, found in broccoli helps slow down cellular damage and upholds the respiratory system to prevent asthma.

Cornucopia’s Organic Vegetable Powder –Pet Immune System Booster has high amounts of Vitamin C, which spikes the levels of antibodies giving the immune system the ability to fight off infections and pathogens. It also reduces the amount of debilitating free radicals in your dog’s body. Other benefits include a reduction in inflammation and graceful aging.

If that was not enough, you will be happy to hear that all of Cornucopia’s products are developed by a team of experts with 50 years in the fields of pet healthcare and nutrition. Not only are they vastly experienced but they are also highly trained and certified. The product also comes with an overwhelming 25 servings worth of powder in one bag. Keep in mind one serving is a teaspoon.

  • Believe it or not, massage therapy. Treat your dog to some TLC and healing massage therapy. Touches and rubdowns help the dog relax and heal. Run your fingers through the fur, rubbing the muscles. This activates the animal’s lymphatic system. Other benefits of massaging your dog include stress and anxiety reduction, healthy blood circulation, pain alleviation, and strengthening the rapport between you and the man’s best friend.

Start with very short massages and increase the sessions with time as your dog also gets used to the routine. Massage the dog’s back using rounded motions gradually moving towards the tail. Consistent massages should result in better metabolism, invigorating the liver and kidneys, and promoting better functioning of the respiratory system. Here are the steps to take when massaging your dog:

  1. Wait until your hound is peaceful and willing to submit before you commence. You want the dog to associate this with relaxation for future sessions. Go for a walk and do some bonding to help with this.
  2. Begin by petting your dog all over and talking to it in a soft calming voice as you begin the massage.
  3. Move to the neck with gentle circular rotations.
  4. Do the shoulders. Take a little more time here as the dogs cannot reach this part of their body themselves.
  5. Now, to the front limbs and chest. Your dog might not be too comfortable with the feet so be careful. If the dog is feeling ok, you can try the pads of their paws. Again, be extra vigilant as most canines have a subconscious kick mechanism when their pads are touched.
  6. Go to the back still using an annular pattern and get either side of the backbone.
  7. Finish with the back legs and tail. If everything goes well, the dog should be very relaxed by this point. Periodical massages are the perfect immune system booster for pets.
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