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How to Create a Killer Business Plan

  • February 14, 2022
  • 3 min read
How to Create a Killer Business Plan

Did you know that one of the top reasons why new businesses fail is due to a poor business plan?

The right strategy can help take your company to new heights! But a lack of strategy? Well, let’s just say that you’re asking for trouble.

It can be tough to create a plan that works for your specific business. That’s why we’ve put together some quick tips that are sure to help you come up with a great business plan.

Make sure to keep reading to find out more!

Know the Market

The best plan involves a strong foundation of evidence-based market info. As such, you’ll need to conduct some market research before making a plan.

So, what does market research look like?

You can start by assessing the overall health of your industry. Is it experiencing growth, decline, or stagnation? This info can help you determine how much to spend and where.

Next, learn as much as you can about your audience. Creating an ideal customer profile is an effective way to make sure you’re reaching the intended audience.

Finally, determine your company’s values. It may sound silly, but 83% of millennials want to purchase through companies who take a stand on social issues — especially if that stance mirrors the consumers’.

Learn From the Past

Want to succeed where others failed? Then you’ll want to become an industry historian!

Learning about bad business practices that hurt other companies can prevent you from making the same mistakes.

Likewise, you can learn a great deal about success from business owners like Warren Buffet or Mark Cuban simply by reading up on their history.

Sometimes this step involves looking back on some of your company’s toughest tribulations. However, by studying what went wrong, you can stop yourself from making the same error in the future.

Be Realistic

Setting goals is an integral part of creating a plan. However, not all goals are equally efficient. Or possible, for that matter.

To make sure you’re not setting your team up for a disaster, it’s vital that you keep all of your goals as realistic as possible.

For that reason, it’s recommended that businesses follow SMART guidelines, or goals that are:

  • Specific
  • Measured
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-sensitive

For example, you may want to grow your audience by 5% this quarter using social media engagement.

That’s a heck of a lot more helpful than just saying you want to grow your audience! The clearer your goal is, the easier it is to smash.

How to Create a Plan That Works for Your Business

There you have it, a quick guide to help you create a plan for your company!

 Ultimately, creating a business plan means conducting a ton of research. Remember, the more you know about the industry, your audience, and your past mistakes, the better. Give your team adequate time before compiling your new strategy.

Looking for some additional tips on how you can grow your business? Make sure to check out the rest of the content in our business section!

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