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MBA Equivalent Degree – Top 10 Skills to Master for the Workplace

  • August 1, 2022
  • 5 min read
MBA Equivalent Degree – Top 10 Skills to Master for the Workplace

In the business world, having a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) is often seen as the gold standard. However, many other types of business-related degrees can be just as helpful in obtaining workplace skills. You can learn essential skills such as finance, accounting, marketing, and human resources with an MBA equivalent degree. You can also learn about business strategy and how to run a successful business. With these skills, you will be well-prepared to enter the workforce and start your career in business.

You can acquire a great set of skills by earning any MBA equivalent degree, whether a Master of Science in Business Administration (MScBA) or another similar program you can pursue online or on-campus at one of your local colleges and universities.

Check out these ten workplace skills you can obtain with an MBA equivalent degree:

1. Time management

One of the most important workplace skills you can obtain is time management. This skill is crucial for those who work in fast-paced environments. Learning how to manage your time effectively can help you complete tasks efficiently and avoid burnout. Here are a few tips for improving your time management skills:

  1. Make a to-do list each day and prioritize your tasks.
  2. Set deadlines for yourself and try to stick to them.
  3. Take breaks when you need them, and make sure to get enough sleep each night.
  4. Avoid procrastination by starting projects as soon as possible.
  5. Delegate tasks when possible and learn to say no when needed.

2. Budgeting

A large part of any business is making sure that money is being spent in the most efficient way possible. That’s where budgeting comes in.

A good budget will help a company save money and make better financial decisions. It’s a skill that can be learned in school, but it also takes practice.

3. Relationship building

Strong relationships are key to success in any field, especially in business. Relationship building is the ability to create and maintain positive, professional relationships. It’s important to be able to build relationships with clients, customers, vendors, and co-workers.

4. Online platforms

An online business platform is a website that allows you to sell products or services. There are many different types of online platforms, and the best one for you will depend on your business model. Some popular options include Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.

When choosing an online platform, you’ll need to consider things like ease of use, payment processing, shipping integration, and taxes. You’ll also want to ensure the platform offers good customer support in case of any problems.

Assuming you already have a product or service to sell, setting up an online platform is relatively straightforward.

5. Public speaking

A big part of the workplace is being able to communicate effectively. This means being able to speak in front of groups, both large and small.

If you have a fear of public speaking, an MBA equivalent degree can help you overcome that. With coursework in subjects like business communication and rhetoric, you can learn how to deliver presentations confidently.

6. Digital marketing

In today’s business world, having a solid understanding of digital marketing is more important than ever. You can develop the skills necessary to create and implement effective digital marketing campaigns with an MBA equivalent degree.

You’ll learn how to use data to target your audience, craft engaging content, and measure the success of your efforts. Plus, you’ll gain invaluable experience working with a team to execute a successful campaign from start to finish.

7. Customer service

An MBA equivalent degree can benefit those looking to improve their customer service skills. With the ability to understand customer needs and expectations, as well as how to manage customer relationships, those with this type of degree will be in high demand by employers.

The essential step to providing excellent customer service is understanding what your customers need and want. With an MBA equivalent degree, you will be able to take the time to get to know your customers and what they are looking for. This way, you can tailor your services to their specific needs.

8. Personal branding

In today’s job market, having the right qualifications is not enough. You also need to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

One way to do this is through personal branding. Personal branding is the process of creating and cultivating a public image that represents who you are as a professional. It can help you stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Who do you want to reach with your brand? What kind of impression do you want to make? Answering these questions will help you create a focused and effective brand strategy.

9. Writing business documents

An important workplace skill for anyone with an MBA equivalent degree is the ability to write business documents. This includes writing reports, proposals, and email correspondence. Writing skills are important in the business world because they show that you can communicate effectively. The ability to write clearly and concisely is a valuable skill that will help you succeed in your career.

10. Project management

Many businesses are now using project management software to help keep track of deadlines, deliverables, and assigned tasks. Pursuing an MBA equivalent degree can give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed if you’re looking to get into project management.

With an MBA equivalent degree, you’ll learn how to create and manage projects and effectively communicate with team members. You’ll also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied in any business setting.


Are you thinking about going back to school? You may be on the fence about whether to get an MBA or obtain one or more business degrees with different focus areas than business administration and management. While both types of degrees may appear similar on paper, they’re quite different regarding what students can expect to learn in their programs and how to use those workplace skills after graduation.

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