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Picture Framers Perth: How To Choose The Best Framer?

  • January 12, 2023
  • 5 min read
Picture Framers Perth: How To Choose The Best Framer?

We have all acquired a prized piece of art, poster, or photograph that begs for a lovely photo frame. However, deciding on a size, style, and colour may take time when numerous selections exist. The alternatives appear endless, which is why getting assistance from professional picture framers Perth is essential. Framing is a craft in and of itself, and selecting the correct framing with the right framer can significantly improve your item and transform it into a masterpiece.

Furthermore, hiring a professional for your photo frame requirements is an excellent choice for people looking for a bespoke option that suits their subject matter and the nearby location. However, not all photo frame businesses are the same. Evaluate these characteristics whenever selecting a photo frame firm for your next job.

What Are Picture Framers Perth?

A photo framer is a skilled craftsperson who frames papers, art, mementoes, and other display objects. They might work for a framing business or a picture frame shop or work independently. Picture framing requires various abilities, such as expanding canvas, cutting and estimating materials, visual design, and dealing with customers. Furthermore, as picture framers Perth, you are most likely to work at exhibitions, picture workshops, or art supply companies.

There are specialty frame shops as well. Your responsibilities comprise choosing the appropriate frame, utilising woodwork equipment to create a structure to particular specifications whenever the right size is not accessible, and putting the image into the frame underneath a protective layer of plastic or glass. You could work as a customer care agent or sales assistant in the shop. These occupations could also necessitate point-of-sale capabilities.

Tips For Choosing The Best Picture Framers Perth

Here are some things to consider when selecting an experienced framer when purchasing a picture frame.

Work Background Experience

There are numerous sorts of photo framing businesses available. Several have a lot of expertise with housing developments but only with small commercial ones. Others could provide a great completed product but are unable to execute installations. While choosing a picture frame firm, make sure they have lots of expertise performing tasks in your field and could handle any other services you might like, such as installation. In this manner, you can be sure that your money is wisely spent and that the whole process runs well.


If you visit a picture frame shop to enquire about their services, look at their framing alternatives. There are several frame mats, glass coverings, materials, lengths, and colours to choose from. When you pick a photo frame business that offers a broad selection of these, it is much simpler to find the appropriate option for your room.

Detail Orientation

The greatest photo frame businesses pay close attention to detail. They understand that the correct picture frame does much more than improve what is within; it contributes to the whole area it covers and enhances everything around it. As a result, you must expect your picture frame firm to recognise the significance of good design processes and high-quality execution. Ideal picture framers Perth go one step deeper and are happy to assist customers in selecting the appropriate artwork to bring their ideas to life.

Competitive Pricing

Aside from the features mentioned above, you must anticipate that your picture frame shop will provide affordable prices. Whether you want a low-cost option for your house or a high-end makeover for your business, a reputable picture frame company will provide you with top-notch service at a fair price.

How To Choose The Best Picture Frame?

You are not required to maintain all frames within the same design and colour. An assortment of styles and materials implies a collection accumulated through time, owing to the wall art craze and the rising variance in house décor. Plastic or metal combinations are often less expensive, but wood might cost dollars.

Furthermore, although selecting a frame style is mostly a personal choice, it must, if feasible, lead off the art. A lighter-feeling artwork, such as a sensitive work on paper, may only necessitate a slender frame, but a massive abstract painting requires a more substantial structure.

Popular Frame Styles

A variety of frame sizes and styles are available, with the following being especially popular.

Picture Frames In Black Or White

When used effectively, framing your photograph in a solid-coloured picture frame, like black or white, may highlight its attractiveness. Black frames have a beautiful, traditional appearance, whilst white frames are more informal and bohemian. These frames have a contemporary and sleek appearance.

Picture Frames Made Of Metal

Metallic frames have a contemporary, fashionable air. They brighten and draw attention to an image by enhancing its colour. Because of their sophisticated appearance, metallic frames are great for family portraits, stunning scenery, and wedding photos. Candid photographs, on the other hand, may appear best framed in black, white, or wood.

Picture Frames Made Of Wood

Wood, being a natural substance, provides a timeless and inviting appearance. Wood frames, which range in hue from light to dark depending on the finish, provide a plethora of alternatives for complementing and contrasting your photographs. Warmer tones, such as red, brown, and orange, look well with darker frames made of woods such as mahogany and walnut. Cooler picture tones, such as blues, greens, and lavender, go well with lighter wood frames composed of oak, ash, and pine.


Find the best picture framers Perth and put your trust in them. Inform them regarding your idea, present them with images, and collect textiles. A competent framer will utilise anything as a starting point so ask them for advice. Not only will you receive colour and design suggestions from an expert, but a skilled framer will know precisely which proportions would fit your work and be capable of providing a selection of alternative framing and glass based on your budget. There is nothing wrong with good hacking, but go the additional mile when you want to stand out.

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