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Steps for reading comments on Twitter

  • August 13, 2021
  • 5 min read
Steps for reading comments on Twitter

Twitter is one of the top long-range interpersonal communication stages out there with a simple to utilize interface with regards to understanding remarks. 

At the point when you access your Twitter Home channel, you’ll see four alternatives under any tweets made by individuals you follow. These four alternatives under Tweet are Reply/Comment, Retweet, Like, and Share. 

So essentially there is no immediate way as we see on Facebook to see the remarks made by different clients on that tweet. If you are interested in technical exploring just like you are doing for Twitter, you must know about memory bus 

That is the reason any client is confounded in discovering the response to the tweet. 

For what reason wouldn’t I be able to see remarks on Twitter posts? 

It isn’t so much that you can’t see them. You simply need to know the correct way since Twitter doesn’t show remarks straightforwardly under tweets as displayed by Facebook at the lower part of their posts. 

At the point when you click that “remark” symbol to see the remarks, rather than showing you every one of the answers given by different clients, Twitter opens a discourse box for you to answer to that tweet. 

Instructions to Read Comments on Twitter on a Computer 

If you are searching for how to read comments on Twitter on a computer, follow the following steps:

Stage 1. You need to tap on the timestamp of the tweets of the time distributed. On your Twitter course of events, when you see 100 tweets, there is a timestamp corresponding to the profile’s username. 

Stage 2. Presently it will open that full tweet with its URL in a similar tab where when you look down you can see the remarks. 

You can likewise open the whole tweet in another tab rather than an overlay. Ensure you don’t tap on profile names or hashtags that lie somewhere else. 

You can likewise utilize the above tips to see others’ remarks on any work area program or Twitter versatile application (iOS, Android). 

Furthermore, in case you’re utilizing an outsider web-based media the board device like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck, these tips work there as well. 

On the off chance that you can’t see answers on Twitter, that implies either the tweets are ensured by clients, you’re not after the client, or they’re being covered up by the tweet creator. 

Step by step instructions to peruse remarks on Twitter on cell phones 

To peruse remarks on Twitter on cell phones, you can click somewhere else on the Tweet as opposed to tapping the Comment choice. When you click on the space of ​​the tweet, the remark area will open naturally. It doesn’t make any difference whether you’re getting to Twitter from its application or from Google; This method works in the two cases. 

In the event that it actually doesn’t show remarks, it implies the client has a private record, or may have secured the tweet remarks, or has been restricted by the individual who tweeted them. 

How to see retweets with remarks? 

Review retweets with remarks are basic enough on Twitter. 

Snap-on the Retweet choice underneath the post. 

You will see a spring up showing two choices, Retweet and Quote Tweet 

To see retweets with remarks, select the choice to Quote Tweet, and this will permit you to add an answer when you retweet it or show you individuals who have retweeted your post with remarks when you post something. 

Would you be able to peruse Twitter remarks without a record? 

Indeed, you can peruse remarks on Twitter without a record. For this, you should simply open Twitter on a program and search the profile of the individual whose posts and remarks you need to visit. The solitary impediment is that the individual’s record should be public. Assuming the client has a private record, you can’t peruse remarks on somebody’s post without a record. 

How would you see all answers to a cited tweet? 

To see a reaction to a statement tweet, follow the means beneath: 

Open the Twitter application on your telephone or work area. 

Go to the Tweet for which you need to see the cited answer. 

Open the full tweet by tapping on it, where it shows the remarks segment. 

You will then, at that point see a choice to ‘Cite Tweet’ underneath the tweet. 

Snap-on it, and you’ll see every one of the answers to a cited tweet. 

step by step instructions to see top remarks on Twitter 

You don’t need to do anything uncommon to see Top Comments on Twitter. Twitter sorts its remarks under a post to see the most mainstream answers with the most likes and retweets. Thus, it turns out to be simple for you to get to every one of the top remarks. 

Instructions to see other secret answers on Twitter 

Assuming you need to see the secret answers on a tweet, you need to follow a couple of straightforward advances. 

Go to the Twitter post for which you need to see the secret answers. 

If it’s not too much trouble, click on it to open the full tweet. 

You’ll see a flat three-spot symbol on the upper right corner of your screen. 

Snap-on that image and snap-on ‘See covered up answers’, the last choice in the rundown. 

last contemplations 

While the wide range of various web-based media applications gives a valiant effort to keep everything in one, none can coordinate with Twitter. Twitter is the place where you go in case you are searching for news refreshes, little-known techniques, sports data, or everything under the sun occurring around you. In spite of the fact that it is outstanding amongst other applications, it isn’t the simplest to become acclimated to.

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