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Symptoms of depression in women

  • August 13, 2021
  • 4 min read
Symptoms of depression in women

Symptoms of depression in women.

Although depression is possible for both men and women, its symptoms can vary depending on the sex of the victim, and since research indicates that women are twice as likely to suffer from it as men. Here in this article are the symptoms of depression in women, the causes and the treatment:

Symptoms of depression in women.

These are the symptoms of depression in women:

Loss of interest in the things you used to love.

difficult to focus

Rapid and incomprehensible weight loss.

Feeling very weak and tired for no apparent reason.

Incomprehensible source of guilt.

Constant anxiety and agitation.

Feeling hopeless about the future.

Crying for no specific reason.

sleep disorders;

Severe mood swings and changes.

Thinking and wanting to die.

Causes of depression in women.

In addition to the general causes of depression, there are some health conditions that attack women’s hormones, making them more vulnerable than men, let’s get to know them:

1. Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that affect women before menstruation, such as: headaches, depression, lower pelvic pain and breasts and anxiety.

Although 80% of women have symptoms of PMS, it does not mean that all suffer from depression, however, Hormone Replacement Therapy in this period can affect the chemicals in the brain and lead to a state of depression.

2. Depression during pregnancy and childbirth

This depression occurs when a woman is pregnant or immediately after giving birth and is also called postpartum depression.

During pregnancy, the hormones in the pregnant woman’s body can change dramatically. This can lead to a change in her mood and psychological state, and this condition can include serious and difficult symptoms, such as: difficulty sleeping, suicidal thoughts and the conviction of the inability to take care of himself and the child.

3. Postmenopausal depression

Before a woman enters menopause, a wide range of hormonal changes occur that lead to this menopause, and during this period, women are very vulnerable to depression.

It is worth noting that a woman is more likely to suffer from depression at this stage if she suffers from problems in her marital relationship, or stress at work and at home, or if she suffers from postpartum depression.

4. Other causes of depression

Here are other causes of depression:

Seasonal depressive disorder is a depressive condition associated with the changing of the seasons, the most common being winter.

Brain chemical imbalances such as serotonin.

Thyroid problems that cause a hormonal imbalance.


Traumatic life events.

Exposure to physical, mental and emotional abuse.

Having a chronic illness that makes you feel powerless and unable to lead a normal life.

Tips for treating women with depression

Here are some tips to help you manage and control your depression:

Hire a therapist

This is a safe place to express your difficult feelings, making you able to understand them more and control them and prevent them from becoming more intense.

Expose myself to the sun

For at least half an hour a day, sunlight is a treatment for depression caused by the changing of the seasons. Research suggests that not getting vitamin D, whether from the sun or from others, can increase your risk of depression.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Regular exercise and proper nutrition, as this will also reduce the symptoms of depression in a woman.

If she suffers from fatigue and stress, meditation and yoga will help her cope.

Surround yourself with positive people

If you suffer from depression, one luxurious thing you want is to be in a negative and stressful environment, so make sure you surround yourself with positive and loving people without other pressures.

My dear, sometimes depression is more difficult than facing it on your own, in these cases do not hesitate to seek help from your doctor and psychotherapist, as your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant medication to help you overcome this stage.

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