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The Brief Guide That Makes Conducting a Cybersecurity Audit Simple

  • March 7, 2022
  • 3 min read
The Brief Guide That Makes Conducting a Cybersecurity Audit Simple

Does a cyberattack threat seem distant to you? Like it’s going to happen to some other company, but not yours because it’s a small business?

That’s what hackers are banking on. They know you don’t have the resources of a large corporation and you have a lot of information.

Your business could trigger a larger attack. Small businesses should prepare for cyberattacks from Russia in light of the war with Ukraine.

A cybersecurity audit is the first step to take to protect your IT department and business. Read this guide to learn how to conduct a cybersecurity audit.

1. Inventory Hardware and Map Network

Take an inventory of the hardware your business has. This includes laptops, servers, routers, tablets, and desktop computers.

Note the age of the hardware and how often software gets updated.

Make a map of your IT network that shows how each device connects to the network. You’ll begin to understand where vulnerabilities lie.

2. Review IT and Compliance Policies

Your business may have to follow privacy regulations and industry compliance. It’s common in the finance and healthcare industries. Small businesses should know about various privacy laws and the data they collect.

Your business should have written policies that govern the IT department and your employees. The employees have access to critical data.

If they expose that data or use a personal device, they could jeopardize your business. Have written policies that deter employees.

If you don’t have written policies, create them as soon as possible.

3. Perform Risk Assessment

There are multiple levels of a risk assessment. Start at the top level and perform a systems scan. Follow that up with penetration testing.

Work with employees to learn how they use the computer systems and IT network. Make sure they use strong passwords and abide by written policies.

fYou should work with an outside provider to assist with scanning and auditing. They’ll uncover things that aren’t easily identified.

View this cyber hygiene service to learn more.

4. Prioritize Vulnerabilities

If this was your first cybersecurity audit, you probably uncovered a lot of issues. You won’t be able to get to all of them at once.

Prioritize the vulnerabilities by the level of risk they pose to the business. Then look at the likelihood they’ll happen. Tackle the ones that are most likely to happen and pose the highest risk first.

Get a professional cybersecurity company to conduct an audit a couple of times a year. This ensures your business keeps up with a rapidly changing landscape.

A Brief Cybersecurity Audit Guide

Today’s interconnected way of doing business is great because you can reach customers all over the world. There’s a major risk that comes with that.

You could get hit by a cyberattack. The threat is real and your business is at risk. Make cybersecurity a priority and perform a cybersecurity audit as soon as possible.

This guide showed you how you can do so quickly and efficiently. You’ll reduce your risk and protect your business.

For more tech tips, click on the Technology tab at the top.

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