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Trading mistakes that Australian investors should avoid

  • April 2, 2022
  • 4 min read
Trading mistakes that Australian investors should avoid

There are several trading mistakes that Australian investors should avoid if they want to be successful. By understanding these mistakes and how to avoid them, you can increase your chances of making money in the markets.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid

Traders should take note of the following mistakes to avoid when trading.

Failing to do your homework

Before you invest in any stock or fund, it’s important to do your homework and understand what you’re buying. Don’t just rely on the hype from the media or your friends. Take the time to read up on the company or fund and understand its financials.

Not having a clear plan

One of the biggest mistakes traders make is not having a clear plan. Before entering any trade, you need to know your goals and how you plan to achieve them. Without a plan, it is very easy to get caught up in the emotion of trading and make decisions that are not based on logic.


Another mistake that many traders make is over-trading. This occurs when a trader takes too many trades or holds onto losing positions for too long. Over-trading can lead to significant losses and is one of the quickest ways to deplete your trading account.

Trading too often

Another common mistake is trading too often. If you trade stocks or funds every day, you’re more likely to make poor decisions based on emotion rather than logic. It’s important to have a plan and stick to it, only buying or selling when there’s a good reason to do so.

Forgetting to diversify

Investing in just one stock or fund is very risky – if that investment goes wrong, you could lose all your money. That’s why it’s essential to diversify your portfolio by investing in a variety of different stocks and funds. This way, if one investment goes down, you’re not losing everything.

Not having an exit strategy

Before you invest in anything, you should have an exit strategy planned out. That way, if the investment doesn’t perform as well as you’d hoped, you can sell it and cut your losses.

Not managing risk

Many traders also make the mistake of not managing their risk correctly. This can lead to them losing more money than they can afford to lose on any single trade. It is important always to use stop-loss orders and limit your risk on each trade.

Not having the proper discipline

Trading successfully requires a great deal of discipline, both sticking to your trading plan and managing your emotions. Without discipline, you are likely to make costly mistakes.

Ignoring fundamentals

Fundamental analysis is one of the critical aspects of trading, yet traders often ignore it. Ignoring the fundamental indicators can lead to bad decision-making.


Using too much leverage is a risky proposition and can often lead to substantial losses. It is important to use leverage sparingly and only when confident in your trade.

Not taking into account transaction costs

Trading costs, such as commissions and spreads, can eat into your profits if they are not adequately considered. Make sure to factor in all transaction costs before making any trades.

Chasing after losses

Finally, another common mistake that traders make is chasing after losses. After a losing trade, it can be tempting to try and recoup your losses by taking another trade. However, this often leads to even more significant losses. After a loss, the best thing to do is to take a step back, assess the situation, and then decide if taking another trade is the best course of action.


By avoiding these common trading mistakes, Australian investors can give themselves a better chance of success in the markets. By following a clear plan and managing your risk, you can avoid costly mistakes that can derail your trading career. So, if you are new to trading, be sure to educate yourself on the most common mistakes and how to avoid them, and use a reliable and experienced online broker from Saxo Bank; for more information, read this article.

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