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What Are the Different Types of Kratom That Exist Today

  • February 18, 2022
  • 3 min read
What Are the Different Types of Kratom That Exist Today

Different types of kratom each have their own unique effects. Some trigger the opioid receivers in your brain directly. Other strains can increase relaxation. There are even strains that act in a similar way to caffeine. 

With such a large variety of available strains, you need to do some research before experimenting in order to find your personal favorites.  

Learn a little about some of the most popular kratom types, what effects they have, and which ones you should try.


Typically, when harvesting kratom, the vein isn’t used. Users are now experimenting with veins because of some of the effects. Generally speaking, the vein has calming effects.  

You may also be wondering how much does kratom cost? Does it vary based on vein? Are some more expensive than others? The cost depends on quantity and quality.

Red Vein

This is one of not only the most popular veins but also strains of kratom overall. The high alkaloid content gives it the red color it’s named after. It’s harvested at a later point than other colors and has a reputation for potency.

Yellow Vein

Out of the vein types of kratom, yellow is probably the least popular. You shouldn’t let that stop you from trying it. The main benefit it offers is mood enhancement.

It increases your energy, focus, and is effective for a long period of time.

Green Vein

This is the best kratom strain for people who have anxiety, chronic pain, or feel socially awkward. It will give you a boost of confidence and also relieve nagging pain.

The effects aren’t overpowering compared with other strains making it a great starting point. 

Red Bali

For this variety, kratom leaves are harvested from some of the islands in Bali. It’s known for giving users intense feelings of relaxation in small doses. With larger doses, it can help work against chronic insomnia.


Are you looking for a strain that lasts long, is powerful, and is pure? Look no further than the Bentuangie. If you want a boost of energy, find another strain. Bentuangie is known for providing a feeling of strong relaxation.

Maeng Da

In the kratom industry, this strain is known as one of if not the strongest option available. When it comes to the best locations for growing kratom, Thailand is a very common one. That’s where Maeng Da originates.

Using this gives users a boost of energy to the point that many use it as a replacement for their caffeine intake. The duration period is long and the effects are strong. New users should take low doses.

Learn More about the Types of Kratom

Don’t stop here! There are so many other types of kratom that you need to discover. The ones listed are the most popular, but there are so many other choices out there.

Combining colorful strains in unique ways creates a wide variety of effects that trigger different parts of your brain. This makes each one its own experience.

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