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How to Get the Most Out of Virtual Surgery

  • July 27, 2022
  • 4 min read
How to Get the Most Out of Virtual Surgery

Virtual Surgery is a great way to give your team members the most productive time possible. It’s also a powerful tool for managing quality and consistency in virtual workplaces. If you’re looking to up your productivity game and make the most of your virtual workplace, check out these six tips for getting the most out of virtual surgery.

Plan your virtual day as if it’s a real day.

The best way to get the most out of virtual surgeries is to plan it like you would a real day. That means, when you’re not in the office, spend your time doing what you do best. If you’re an administrative staff member, spend as much time as possible in your office or on the phone with patients best usa online casino. If you’re a neurosurgeon, spend your time in the OR, on the table, or in the recovery area. Spend as little time as possible in your chair (unless you’re in recovery mode, in which case you might want to lean back).

Make the most of your virtual vacations.

If you work part time or drive for a company that doesn’t offer paid vacations, take advantage of your free time by taking your virtual vacation. Go on a quick trip, take a course, or join a local chapter of your society. If you don’t have the time for a vacation, consider taking some vacation time at work. When you work in a virtual workplace, you might not get a chance to take a real vacation because your schedule might change suddenly and you may not be aware of it. But this is a great time to take a couple of real vacations and use your vacation time wisely.

Take regular one-on-one training.

If you have access to a live training venue, set up a virtual training program for your team members. This lets them see and interact with the people who are educating them. It also lets them see what it’s like to be in the role, especially if you’re working with a new team member who might be intimidated by the idea of being a surgeon acepokies.

Train your team.

As the manager of a virtual team, you need to set the tone for how your team members interact with each other. It’s important that you establish clear roles for your team members and clearly define who does what. This will help your team members understand who they’re working with and will help them feel comfortable in their roles.

Manage expectations and build in leeway.

Expectations are tricky in a virtual workplace. You have to be realistic while still letting your team members know what you expect of them. If you have a standard that you expect everyone to meet—whether it’s being on time, using the tools you provide, or following safety guidelines—then hold yourself to it. But don’t set a standard you know you can’t live up to.

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback.

There will be times when you’re disappointed with the work you receive from your team members. Sometimes, this will be due to poor planning, a completely unexpected emergency, or just plain old human error. As the manager, you need to be able to hold your team members accountable and let them know what you expect of them. But for the most accurate feedback, you need to ask for it.


The best way to get the most out of virtual surgeries is to plan it as if it’s a real day. That means, when you’re not in the office, spend your time doing what you do best. If you’re an administrative staff member, spend as much time as possible in your office or on the phone with patients. If you’re a neurosurgeon, spend your time in the OR, on the table, or in the recovery area. Spend as little time as possible in your chair (unless you’re in recovery mode, in which case you might want to lean back).

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