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Brain Fog: 11 Tips To Stay Focused All Day 

  • August 21, 2021
  • 6 min read
Brain Fog: 11 Tips To Stay Focused All Day 

Are you often distracted at work, while studying, or are you inattentive while driving? Never mind, here’s a guide and some tips on how to get rid of the fog in your head throughout the day, from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed.

Tips To Prevent Brain Fog

The tips below will help you stay focused and avoid brain fog. 

1. Relax In The Shower

Start the day by letting your mind dig into your soul by having a cold shower. It can improve your alertness and concentration throughout the day. By the way, new research shows that cold water swimming may protect the brain from degenerative diseases like dementia.

Including the shock of cold water increases the level of protective proteins in the blood. If you do not want to go completely under a cold shower, then cool your head under running water.

2. Don’t Skip Breakfast

A growing body of research shows that eating well, especially in the morning, can help increase the number of neural connections in the brain. So make some eggs to complement your sandwiches. 

Researchers at Harvard University found that people who ate only carbs in the morning were less alert and scored 50 percent fewer scores on various behavioral tests than those who also ate protein in the morning.

3. Turn Off The Morning Autopilot

It can be as simple as washing the dishes after breakfast, concentrating on the bubbles, or watering the plants and noticing the texture of the leaves. 

Science has proven that being more attentive to the things around us improves concentration, memory, and attention. So try to pay attention to everything you do in the morning. 

4. Drink Cocoa, Not Wine

While alcohol can help you fall asleep, it can also have a truly adverse effect on your REM or REM sleep cycle (the most recovery period for your sleep). As a result, drinking alcohol before bed will make you feel tired, overwhelmed, and less alert the next day.

Besides, excessive consumption of alcohol can cause insomnia, which directly affects the brain’s health. It is better to replace wine with cocoa as it is a healthy substitute. But you have an addiction to alcoholic drinks; replacing it can be difficult.

Therefore, you should probably go for a one-month rehab program for developing resistance to alcohol and other such products. Besides, such a program can motivate you to have a healthy life.

5. Do Your Exercises And Go Outside

Whether you are taking your kids to school, working from home, or using public transportation on the way to work, try walking as long as possible by doing your morning exercises. Morning physical activity alters the brain in ways that improve memory and thinking skills.

According to research, regular physical exercise helps to improve brain functioning and also improves heart health. Remember that our daily routines drain our brains, so it is important to change something in your morning ritual.

6. Get Your Hearing Tested

Hearing loss is the largest modifiable risk factor for dementia, according to a recent report by The Lancet. It lowers the cognitive function of the brain and increases social isolation and depression. 

That is why it is so important to monitor your hearing by getting regular check-ups with a doctor and doing special tests. This way, you will not only notice the hearing problem on time but, possibly, start treatment on time. 

7. Have A Cup Of Tea And Solve The Puzzle

Caffeine is classified as a nootropic – a substance that can improve functions such as memory, creativity, or motivation. According to research studies, drinking caffeinated coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Besides, regular consumption of green tea can improve your memory and delay the onset of Alzheimer’s due to the antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin-3 gallate).

While you are drinking coffee or tea, try solving puzzles or playing crosswords, as experts believe, it will make you think logically and creatively. Playing cards, and board games will also help train your brain. It will improve mental skills such as memory, reasoning, and problem-solving. They can also help boost your mood and reduce stress. You can also use online help tools such as scrabble word cheat to get help in the difficult stages of the game.

8. Go For Mediterranean Lunch

Research has shown that a traditional Mediterranean diet high in colorful, seasonal whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and greens can help improve brain function. Make a simple Greek salad (feta, olives, cucumber, lettuce, and red onion) and add canned tuna and/or cooked pasta to it. 

Don’t forget tomatoes – they are a good source of lycopene, which protects brain cells from free radical damage. You must consider an omega-3 supplement, especially if you’re not a fan of oily fish. 

9. Stay Hydrated

Mild dehydration can impair cognitive performance, especially when performing tasks that require attention, executive function, and motor coordination. Keep a reusable bottle with you and refill it regularly to see how much you are drinking. 

10. Daytime Nap

A NASA study found that pilots improved their alertness by 54% after a 26-minute nap. If you have the opportunity to take a nap during the day, just make sure you set your alarm to wake up in 30-40 minutes. If you oversleep, there is a risk that you will feel overwhelmed after a day’s rest.

11. Prefer A Book Over A TV

Reading also improves other life skills such as empathy and emotional intelligence. Don’t want to read? Then write a letter by hand. Writing requires subtle muscular control, which strains our brains, and trying to find the right words stimulates the mind and special thinking. In any case, all of the above is the best alternative to watching TV or watching videos on YouTube. 

Take Away

Some of our daily activities cause cognitive impairment with time. However, by following the tips above, you can avoid such a risk and stay focused all the time throughout the day. Stay happy and live healthily!

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