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  • May 17, 2022
  • 6 min read

The healthcare field is at large, and it doesn’t fall short when it comes to offering a plethora of lucrative job opportunities to the willing. So if you, as an aspiring healthcare graduate, want to work in the healthcare industry but aren’t sure where to start, this article is meant for you.

There are numerous compelling reasons to consider a career in health care. First, the top-paying medical jobs will establish your bank account and career trajectory. That is because employment in the sector is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. Sure, many of these jobs will require specialized education (hello, med school). Still, given the high pay and benefits, any of these roles would be well worth the venture.

So whether you want to embark on a long educational path to become a doctor or enjoy a fast-track option that will get you in the field quickly, here are a few of the most in-demand healthcare jobs in 2022:

  1. Public Health Consultant

A public health consultant suggests organizations working to improve a population’s health. These experts may develop health-related programs and policies in collaboration with community organizations, government agencies, private businesses, or healthcare facilities. First, they research the population’s current health trends and infrastructure. They then share their research results with stakeholders to identify changes or improvements.

Furthermore, public health consultants have a master-level education, most often a degree from an accredited university. Apart from this position, there are many master in public health jobs that will set you up for success and train you to protect and improve your community’s health.

  1. Nurse Practitioner

A nurse practitioner is held accountable for gathering patient history and the symptoms they are currently experiencing. When a doctor is unavailable, they may also undertake medical examinations. They also develop treatment plans for patients and order diagnostic tests when necessary.

Nurse practitioners are trained on various medical equipment and can operate and monitor it. They can also diagnose a wide range of medical conditions. Many of the duties that physicians perform, such as prescribing medication, ordering medical tests, and identifying patients’ medical needs, can be achieved by nurse practitioners. They can also specialize, so some choose to serve pregnant women, children, or mental illnesses.

  1. Pharmacist 

Pharmacists have been around for quite a long time, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere. With that said, the demand for pharmacists inside a healthcare facility appears to be rising and rising.

These professionals work closely with various types of medication. A pharmacist typically dispenses medication to patients. However, different sub-roles exist within the pharmacist career path. General practice pharmacists, home care pharmacists, and hospital pharmacists are just a few examples. 

In addition to dispensing and tracking medications, pharmacists are expected to communicate with physicians and other healthcare experts. And lastly, as a pharmacist, you are expected to provide patients with pharmaceutical information and advice.

  1. Healthcare administrator 

This phrase sheds light on the overall leadership and management of public and private healthcare organizations. Management is required to ensure that measures within healthcare institutions run smoothly. This healthcare career is distinct from the others listed because it focuses heavily on management and administration.

As a healthcare manager, you can direct departments, manage finances, purchase new resources, and strategize the organization’s goals. This role may also differ depending on the healthcare management job you choose. Hospital managers, healthcare administrators, clinical directors, and health coordinators are all examples of healthcare managers. This career path is ideal for those interested in management and business but who want to work in healthcare.

  1. Clinical Research Administrator 

Clinical research seeks novel treatments for various diseases and conditions and is a necessary but complex process. Therefore, scientists trust Clinical Research Administrators to comply with research regulations and manage research participants.

Although this is a highly specialized field, there are now undergraduate and graduate programs that train people in clinical research from beginning to end. As a result, these skills are becoming increasingly valuable to researchers.

  1. Manager of Healthcare Information Technology 

Someone must keep track of all the documents, billing, and data collection required for proper healthcare. Because of the recent advancements in technology, people with IT administration and computer science backgrounds are preferred.

Biomedical scientists are also becoming more dependent on skilled individuals to interpret data and develop illnesses and healthcare population models. As a result, degrees in healthcare information technology are now available at undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, many people gain entry into this rapidly growing industry by combining their IT experience with a Healthcare Administration degree.

  1. Health Practitioner

A doctor is a broad term in the healthcare industry because there are many different doctor roles. However, the term “doctor” is frequently used to refer to general practitioners. General practitioners are in charge of diagnosing and treating health problems. General practitioners can pursue a career in public health or find work in private practice. A doctor’s days will be spent analyzing and administering medication and advising sick patients.

Doctors can also choose to specialize in areas of particular interest. Dermatologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, pediatricians, and dermatologists are available roles. Because the role of a doctor is so broad, your tasks and responsibilities will vary significantly based on your chosen path.

  1. Physiotherapist 

physiotherapist works with patients to improve their mobility. If the patient is experiencing pain, the physiotherapist will assist them in managing it. Physiotherapists typically work in treatment centers with patients. They also help people who have been diagnosed with chronic illnesses and injuries. Patients of the physiotherapists range in age. They may have functional issues as a result of neck or back injuries. Many other people, such as those suffering from strains, amputations, sprains, or strains, require the services of a physiotherapist.

They may also treat people with neurological disorders, fractures, or injuries in sports or work. Patients suffering from cerebral palsy or stroke may also require the services of a physiotherapist. Physiotherapists are trained to read notes from physicians, doctors, and other healthcare professionals. They review their patient’s medical histories and assess their ability to move using different strategies.


So these were some of the top healthcare careers in 2022. Before you go ahead and pick, remember that choosing a career in healthcare means committing to a long-term, financially rewarding, and satisfying career. One of the joys of this career is knowing you’re helping others and making their lives better. There has never been a better time to enter the field, with a significant projected growth rate, well-paying options, and limitless opportunities to advance your career.

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